Definition is : A ripple effect is a situation where, like the ever expanding ripples across water when an object is dropped into it, an effect from an initial state can be followed outwards incrementally.
Basically it is the result of one thing that you have changed in your life, has the effect on so many others. And you never know it at the time. You just think that you are doing something different for you. But then it changes someone else's lives and you look back to think, "wow I am here now because of one small decision.
How I got here.

Kati had reached out to Nikki Minton and invited her to be a part of her challenge group. Nikki had done p90x and never made it through. She was struggling and decided to join the group and also sign up as a coach to hold her accountable. Through the support of the team and her challenge group she was finally able to finish a full 90 days of a workout. Go from a size 8/10 to a size 4. She lost 20lbs and felt amazing about herself. Now it was her turn to pay it forward and help other people change their lives. It was her goal to be able to help her husband with some of the bills. She was a substitute teacher before beachbody. Now 2 years into the business she was able to DOUBLE what a teacher's salary is. It is her goal in 3 years to retire her husband. I am SURE she will do it before then.
On Nikki's journey she had worked with Danielle Judd. She was speaking to her one day about beachbody and shakeology and Danielle had decided to join her team. Danielle was in a bad car accident at 8 months pregnant. She suffers from terrible migraines that kept her in bed most of the day. She had terrible headaches about 29 days out of the month. She started drinking shakeology daily and her headaches got less and less, and more tolerable. After waiting a year for an appointment with a neurosurgeon he diagnosed her with fibromyalgia and chronic migraines. He gave her a list of supplements to take, as she read the list she thought that a lot of these ingredients are in shakeology. So she pulled out a packet she had in her purse and gave it to the doctor to check out. He told her that because she had been drinking this it was the reason she could get out of bed each day. It was a true blessing that came into her life. She also pays it forward by helping people reach their health and fitness goals. She is able to stay home with her 2 year old and 3 month old because of beachbody.
Now how I know Danielle is from a online mom group. Notice we have kids the same age. She has posted one day in the group about shakeology, so I messaged her and asked for more info. As she was explaining it to me i thought to myself.. well i have tried EVERYTHING else, so might as well try this too. She had told me about the coach discount, since we were ACTIVE MILITARY at the time. (*active military gets a 25% discount ) So I signed as a coach and ordered my shakeology. Fast forward to a year and half later, I have found my purpose in this life. My life is complete. I am happy, live everyday with passion and I look forward to going to 'work' everyday. I help people realize their full potential in life? What gets better then that??
So my whole point of this post is to tell you that you have no idea what effect you can have on someone else's life. Just by you making one small decision. A decision to do something different. Stop settling. To change your life. Can change THOUSANDS of lives! No one including myself had NO IDEA our little lives would have on others. We had no idea at the time of signing up as a coach (usually to hold ourselves accountable) may be the reason you are here reading this blog.
Stop selling yourself short. You are worth it. Your story is powerful. Share it with the world. Even if you only help 1 person. It is worth it =)
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